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Week 6

Topics Included: Intermediate JavaScript

Monday 12th February

To start off the sixth week, we began working on our escape room projects. For this, I created a user flow diagram using Miro (see the link below). Whilst I found planning my game in detail quite challenging, this was a valuable experience. I know that if I were to complete a similar challenge now, I would do a better job and complete it with more confidence. Requirements of the escape room were that it include at least four uses of interaction with inquirer, at least four functions that influence the users path, and an example of class and subclass. I found it really useful to expand on what I had learnt in week 5 about the use of inquirer. I chose to do my escape room on the topic of Ancient Egypt, as I enjoy learning about ancient history and Ancient Egypt has always particularly fascinated me.

My first user flow diagram

Tuesday 13th February

On the Tuesday, we continued our study of databases. I learnt how to connect a simple web form to a MongoDB database. I was then able to perfom some simple operations, using the web form, like inserting data and retrieving specific data.

Screenshot of my use of a web form to edit a MongoDB database.
In this screenshot, you can see that I was able to use a web form to edit a MongoDB database about authors.

Wednesday 14th February

On the Wednesday, we cracked on with beginning the creation of our escape room games in VS Code. For me, the hardest part was actually starting to do the code for it. This is because I found the scale of the project quite indimidating. However, I found that once I began I was comfortable with using what I have learnt about inquirer, and I enjoyed the creativity of the process. The area of coding that I found the most challenging is the use of classes and subclasses. If they had been a more central and necessary part of my game plan I think they may have been easier to incorporate. However, I still feel like the use of classes and subclasses are something that I need to study in more depth.

Thursday 15th February

On Thursday we were given a set of challenges to complete on the topic of project management. This involved creating a schema for an archery app. We were also tasked with considering the design/layout of the app.

My archery app schema.
I created this database plan for the archery app.

Friday 16th February

On the Friday, I continued to work on the creation of my escape room. I found this project really enjoyable. I loved the creative process and I managed to create a fully working espace room with a range of challenges for the player. This included the generation of a random number and the inclusion of a riddle. I was really please with my organisation of the files, which can be seen in the github link below. This project is something that I would love to expand on in the future, perhaps with the creation of visual elements.

The Github repository for my escape room game.
My escape room game in action.
Here you can see my escape room being played in the terminal.
More of my escape room game, including the riddle.
I really enjoyed the creative side of building this project. Here you can see the inclusion of a riddle as part of the gameplay.
If the player chooses the wrong option they are asked if they want to restart the game.
I made it so that if the game ends, the player is asked if they want to restart.