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Week 1

Topics Included: Javascript

Monday 8th January

On the first day of the bootcamp, I was introduced to fundamentals of JavaScript. These included dot notation and data types, and I also experienced using Visual Studio Code for the first time. It was really interesting to hear about the varied work and coding experience of other people on the bootcamp. Below is a screenshot of the first code I created in VS Code. I learnt how to generate a random integer between 0 and 10 and how to log it into the console.

Example of generating a random integer between 0 and 10 in VS Code.

Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th January

Firstly, we played around with extracting a character from a string and converting it to upper case (see image below).

Example of extracting a character from a string and converting it to upper case.

We discussed data types in more depth and learnt about how variables allow us to store data. It was also interesting to be introduced to a wider range of arithmetic and assignment operators and to use template literals for the first time. As you can see below, I learnt how to declare a variable by linking ‘firstName’ to Gina. I also learnt how to update the value of a variable by changing the value of ‘firstName’ to Genie. Using let rather than const allowed me to change the value of the variable. I also learnt how to add numbers and create sentences with variables. The last example shows how variables can easily be embedded into a string with the use of template literals.

Example of changing the value of a variable.

Thursday 11th January

On Thursday, we looked into if else again and I wrote the code below. Revisiting this really cemented it into my memory.

More examples of if else.

Next, we looked at arrays and loops (including for and while loops).

More examples of if else.

I also explored with:

As you can see in the example below, I have been using a lot of comments to annotate my work for future reference. I enjoyed creating arrays especially to play around with these methods.

Trying out different methods.

In this next image, you can see where I used loops with strings and to show the multiples of 2 up to 20.

Using loops to show the multiples of 2 up to 20.

Friday 12th January

On the first Friday, we looked into JavaScript functions and how we could apply them to what we had already learnt. I learnt how useful they are for breaking up code into smaller and reusable sections. Below are examples of how I learnt to use functions to make mathematical calculations.

Examples of my use of functions

For the final day of the first week, I was given coding challenges to complete to show what I had learnt. The challenges needed to include functions. They were also quite challenging for a beginner and pushed me to keep learning. An example of the code I wrote, for the 5th challenge, is below:

More examples of my use of functions